The broccoli didn’t work. I repeat, the brocili does not work. After a week of broccoli every day, it did not help Amber’s breathing. Well it was worth a shot.
Occasionally when I don’t have a topic to write about I will skim the internet for a brief time just to see if something pops out and this time I found a treasure. In a news paper article in 2003 a government official (the article didn’t say who) asked the Patawomeck Indian tribe chief, Two Eagles, where the white man went wrong after observing them for ninety years during war and technological growth. After staring at the official in silence for over a minute, chief Two Eagles said, “When white man find land, Indians running it, no taxes, no debt, plenty buffalo, plenty beaver, clean water. Women did all the work, medicine man free. Indian man spend all day hunting and fishing; all night having sex.” Then the chief leaned back and smiled, “only white man dumb enough to think he could improve system like that.”
I didn’t even know what to think after that. Think about it. You have literally no worries. Ok maybe bears and mountain lions and an occasional snake but you spend all day fishing on the banks of this crystal clear stream or hunting deer or buffalo in an untouched forest. You know when people ask, “Who is one person you would like to meet?” my answer now is Two Eagles. Sure there are people out there that can enlighten you on how life was “back then” or the Dalai Lama can help you find peace in yourself, Queen Elizabeth can… take you for a tour in her royal house, the President…uhm…can shake your hand. I’m not really sure what the President can do in a one-on-one visit, except maybe answer questions and I guess the same goes for the Queen. But a man like Two Eagles can tell you how it should be or how it was. He can give tell you stories of how his family did things and how they reacted to all the changes since white man came. The Dalia Lama, mother Teresa, the Pope, all these types of people are in a way to “mainstream.” (I’m not a hipster that was just the only word I could think of to get my point across)You never see a headline that reads, “Indian Chief Two Eagles to visit such and such place, crowds gather to be enlightened by this man.” I mean we live in America , who else to get advice on how the best way to live here than a man who’s family has literally lived here since the beginning.
So that’s what I have for this week, again it’s a short one. I don’t have a challenge but if I get one I’ll let you know. Until next time, no one can ever steal your dreams, but they can steal the covers, when they do it’s on like Donkey Kong.
“Trouble no more about their religion; respect others in their view, and demand that they respect yours”. -Chief Tecumseh