Sunday, March 13, 2011


Gluten (from Latin gluten "glue") is a protein composite that appears in foods processed from wheat and related species, including barley and rye.

    Yes you read that right. No wheat products barley or rye for a week.  So no breads, sauces, or beer.  Not a fun week. I did have some insider help, getting advice from some people who have been on gluten free diets for awhile.  They gave me some great ideas that were helpful. Again same as being vegetarian, there are some everyday foods that are gluten free. Most meats including lunch meats, as long as it wasn’t fried or covered in some gravy or sauces.  Most cheeses, fruits, veggies, nuts, and seasonings. The hardest part was snacks. No crackers or cookies were aloud unless of course they were gluten free.  And again eggs are gluten free.
    That being said, my menu for the week was protein enriched to say the least.  So starting
      Sunday I ate eggs for lunch and dinner I had roasted potatoes and chicken tomato and basil sausage which was very delicious.  Monday was going well with an apple for breakfast and left over sausage and potatoes for lunch. Then came dinner...Chicken fajitas on rice tortilla. The chicken and veggies were good with some quesidilla cheese but the tortilla was like eating cardboard. So I switched to a soft corn tortilla and it was twice as bad. After Monday I wasn’t looking forward to Tuesdays menu. For breakfast I ate another apple and lunch was lunch-meat wrapped with swiss cheese. I also started to eat some cheddar gluten free crackers. Not so tasty.  It was like eating stale chips with a bland cheddar flavor.  Dinner was a little better with the rice pasta spaghetti.  Ragu original spaghetti sauce is gluten free with some left over chicken and onion mixed in.  Wednesday lunch was a treat. I went to lunch at a place called The Miller Tavern. I ate a cajun chicken sandwich, without the bun, and a side of wild rice.  Dinner was good too, pork chops, peas and wild rice. Thursday and Friday for lunch again lunch-meat cheese wrap, fritos, and gluten free peanut butter cookies, which were good. Dinner on Thursday  frozen gluten free pizza and Friday baked potato and side salad from Wendy’s.  And to finish the week Saturday i had eggs and sausage for brunch then lamb and veggies for dinner. I’m so glad its over.
    Now as i said i couldn’t drink beer but i was determined to find an alternative. After a few minutes on the internet I found that most liquors are gluten free. So Friday night was Sierra Mist and gin. Saturday I picked up some gluten free beers at my local grocer. Green’s and St. Peters both have some flavorful beers.
    I really don’t feel any different versus last week.  However, after last week and into this week I have notice i don’t feel as tired after meals.  needless to say i have been craving a nasty, meaty hamburger on a bun. So today on my way to visit my parents I stopped and got a double cheese burger and fries from Mcdonald’s. Let me add that McD’s fries are gluten free.  The burger was tasty but I still couldn’t finish it.  I felt full after all my fries and only half the burger and when i was done I didn’t feel 100%.
    So if your looking to go gluten free or have celiac disease(unable to eat gluten) then good luck to you.  As for this weeks adventure,  I was undecided on what to do. I didn’t want to do food again so for the time being im going to do yoga every day for a week and see how i feel at the end.  Also, the average man can do 36 sit-ups and 27 push-ups in one minute. I’m going to see how i compare. Everyday after my yoga I’ll do some push ups and sit ups and see how i rack up at the end of the week. I challenge you to do the same.  So, until next week, hug someone you love, you just might make their day a little brighter.

“Always do sober what you say you’d do drunk.  That will teach you to keep your mouth shut.”
                                                   -Ernest Hemingway

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