Thursday, May 2, 2013

Snow Mercury

Recently I saw some photos of snow flakes, and I thought to myself, "with all the snow flakes falling, millions upon millions, through out a year in areas that cover half of Earth, some so tiny they are microscopic, how can we truly say that no two are alike?" Think about it. It’s like saying that no two stars are alike. Has anyone recorded and analyzed every single snow flake that has fallen? Maybe they are on a cycle or pattern and the same design falls every six months. I’m just saying.

 Also, why did he (Freddie Mercury) sing about fat bottom girls?

Finally a list of some more questions I have;
·        Why do we turn down the radio when we are lost or looking for an address?
·        If con is the opposite of pro then is congress the opposite of progress?
·        If we evolved from apes why are there still apes?
·        Why hot dog companies and bun companies haven’t coordinated and package their product in the same amount or why does round pizza come in a square box?
·        Why didn’t Noah swat those two mosquitoes?

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