In an effort to write more posts
this year I have come up with a slight solution, I have decided to try a list
each week for the rest of January, three weeks with a post everyday minus the
weekend. For instance, since we are two and a half weeks into January and
everyone is either on the road to their resolution, just starting it, or still
determining what to do, why not look at a common one, being a better/healthier
person. Each day this week I will post a subject and my thoughts on the matter,
suggestions, and share a few things I’ve learned in my many attempts to be a
healthier/better human being.
Today’s topic; hygiene and dress, yes
that’s two but they kind of go hand in hand so I merged them. Let’s start with hygiene.
Now I’m not the prettiest or the best groomed man on the planet but I can
assure I am clean. I shower regularly and I would say I don’t smell, of course
after I work out that all changes. One of the best ways to lead a healthy life
style is to be clean. Trim your nails, clean behind your ears, wash your hands,
and brush your teeth are just a few things we have heard growing up and that
should be well implanted in your brain by now. The worst thing about working in
the medical field is the smell of some patients. Now I realize that not everyone
can help it whether it’s because they are unable to care for themselves or because
they live with a thousand cats. A bar of soap and a shower is the least you
could do. No sense in me telling you to be clean shaven or keeping your hair
nice and neat since I’m not one to stay trimmed up myself but at the very least,
keep it clean. Also your teeth, they don’t have to be bleach white but they shouldn’t
be brown or any variant there of, the closest to white that you can get them
the better. I hate the dentist more than anyone but a yearly dentist appointment
will help, a biannual visit is better. A clean mouth also helps with fresh
breath. Nails are the same trimmed and clean. I have worked on greasy cars
before and I know how much the grease stains the digits and stays under the
nails but if you work hard enough you can get it clean. In conclusion keep it clean.
Along with hygiene, as I said
before, is your attire. I’m not going to give you fashion advice because I am
in no way qualified to give anyone fashion tips. If it was up to me I’d wear T-shirt
and jeans everyday and still find a way to not match. That being said, what I mean
by dress is wear what you have and wear it well. Everyday I go to work I dress
in what I would consider business casual. I ultimately feel better when I can
wear brand new clothes but unfortunately I can’t afford a brand new outfit
everyday so I wear what I have. I keep my clothes clean and try to keep them
ironed. Again, feeling good is key to a healthy life style and I feel good in
clean clothes. Well fit clothes are a good thing as well. If your everyday
attire is jeans and a T-shirt, then a well-fit pair of jeans and shirt is a
plus. And you don’t have to spend much to achieve it. Kohl’s, JC Penny, even Target
has some great deals on clothes that will fit proper. A friend once told me
that he always dressed as if he was going to meet someone that day. He didn’t wear
a suit and tie everyday but he also didn’t wear clothes with holes. Now there
are exceptions of course, like if you’re going to mow the lawn or work on the
car. The point being, wear it well.
So that’s it for today like I said
tomorrow I’ll have another post form my list of the week.
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