Tuesday, January 14, 2014

week one; topic two

Today’s topic; health, including diet and exercise. One of the most important factors for being a better/healthier person is your overall health. The best thing for that is, of course, eating right, exercising, and topping it off with a yearly exam with your doctor. Now I don’t like going to the doctor so I tend to avoid that but I suggest you go. But if you are as stubborn as me then try to take these steps to help keep you from having to make that trip. Let’s start with diet. Now I’m not going to tell you to completely stop eating one thing or the other instead try substituting some of the bad for the good. Trade that candy bar in for a banana some days and eat your chocolate another day. All I’m saying is to try to cut out few things and replace it with good. It isn’t that hard. That way you aren’t eating less just eating better. After you have mastered that then take away a few portions. Instead of two scoops of mashed taters take one, instead of two burgers eat one. Keep this up and next thing you know you will be eating healthier without even thinking about it. I’m no health nut but I can tell when I’m eating healthier by the way I feel. Most recently, as you may have read before I have been running, a lot. I have found that running sheds the weight like a snake sheds skin. Weird fact we, humans, actually shed our skin more often than a snake when we lose dead skin cells. I have burned more calories running than I ever have. I’m not saying you have to train for a marathon or run everyday but a mile, half mile, six miles whatever you can do is best. Hell any cardio style workout is the best way to shed that winter weight that’s been there since 2004. Not only does it help trim some LB’s it’s also pertinent for a healthy heart and that will help keep you away from the exam table. Working out is a stress reliever as well, clearing your head and releasing anger mostly because you’re too exhausted to think about it. I workout at night after work which kind of helps decrease the stress of the day, but not everyone can workout at night. My wife doesn’t like to workout at night she prefers a morning routine. You can even do a few workouts at work if you don’t have time. A friend of mine works out during his lunch break before he eats which helps curb his appetite and keeps him from stuffing himself during lunch. Take the stairs instead of the elevator helps a little. And as everyone has said five minutes is better than none, ten better than five and so on. Another aspect to staying healthy is keeping your mind sharp. The best way to do that is reading and brain games like puzzles. There are literally thousands of websites offering puzzles and games that help with “training” your brain. Also if you are musically talented, unlike me, then learning to play a new instrument or new songs helps with the brain health as well.

Pretty much everything you have heard before a thousand times but it is key to becoming that better/healthier person. See you tomorrow.  

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