I finally got my book, titled "Travels in Alaska" by John Muir, in which I am excited to read and bore you with the details in the weeks to come. The book itself only cost me $0.99, which I bought from a place called Half Price Books(http://www.hpb.com/). Unfortunately the three locations that are around me didn’t have it available so they had to ship it to me from Washington, the state, which cost me more then the book. However, I still didn’t spend more than five bucks. Just thought I would share that because not only when you buy a secondhand book are you paying less for a book that was probably read once then tossed to the side, but you are saving trees and the planet. Actually that really isn’t true because they probably already chopped down the tree to make the paper. But you still pay less for it, still an upside.
Last week the weather was good from Tuesday on, but my car, which has multiple issues, decided it was time to have the radio stop working. The fact of getting into a blazing hot car with no air and the drivers side window has issues rolling down isn’t enough for the fifteen minute ride home, but now I have to deal with all that while listening to the sound of the road. Sigh. When I bought the car for 500 clams I knew it had issues but I didn’t care because the motor ran great and it gets 30+ miles to the gallon and the radio worked then. Now that there is no radio I realized how many bad noises it makes. It almost scares me to drive the thing now.
So Denmark is becoming my new favorite country. As you remember I did a ramble on a picture that was taken in Denmark (April Fools post) which is one of my favorite pictures. Well the other day I read an article stating that Denmark is “the happiest place on Earth.” Take that Disney world. A recent poll/study showed that despite the high taxes and dreary weather the people are among the happiest in the world. Who’d thought when I was looking at the pissed off youth in front of the fake subway car, cursing his mom with some Danish words, that they are the happiest people. Shows how little you can tell about a country just by looking at a picture.
I also have to add my new favorite state to this post, New Hampshire, and only for this reason;
What says American like "live free or die."
My challenges seem to have fallen by the waist side so I decide to come up with something good. So after searching I stumbled on “Seven Surprising Uses for Baking Soda”. Yes that’s right, baking soda. The article gives seven ways to use baking soda which include brushing teeth, washing hair, face, and body with, use on acne, use as a deoderant, and mixing with water then drinking for an upset stomach, I may not do that one, unless i get an upset stomach. So by next week my teeth should be whiter, skin softer and acne free, stomach calm, hair cleaned, and fridge be odorless.
I also have to add my new favorite state to this post, New Hampshire, and only for this reason;
What says American like "live free or die."
My challenges seem to have fallen by the waist side so I decide to come up with something good. So after searching I stumbled on “Seven Surprising Uses for Baking Soda”. Yes that’s right, baking soda. The article gives seven ways to use baking soda which include brushing teeth, washing hair, face, and body with, use on acne, use as a deoderant, and mixing with water then drinking for an upset stomach, I may not do that one, unless i get an upset stomach. So by next week my teeth should be whiter, skin softer and acne free, stomach calm, hair cleaned, and fridge be odorless.
Well I am on my way to fix a car, read a book, and buy some baking soda. So until next week, don’t hold someone back, they may honor you the same respect someday.
“Outside of a dog, a book is man’s best friend. Inside of a dog, it’s too dark to read.” -Groucho Marx
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